This is a dish to be made with varied ingredients which you have available, to be served as a first course or a light main course, so I have given vague quantities as they depend on your appetite and what you have at the time.
1 small goats’ cheese (pelardon) per person / pelardon par personne
2 slices of bread per person / tranches de pain par personne
lettuce / laitue / salade verte
bacon pieces / lardons
haricot beans / haricots verts
cooked potatoes, cubed / pommes de terre cuites, coupées en dés.
chopped garlic / ail haché
salt, pepper, olive oil / sel, poivre, huile d’olive
duck fat / graisse de canard
Arrange the lettuce on plates. / Disposer la salade sur les assiettes.
Fry the lardons. Fry potato pieces in the duck fat (if you have it this is the best way to fry potatoes, but you can use olive oil). / Faire frire les lardons. Faire frire les morceaux de pomme de terre à la graisse de canard. (Si vous n’avez pas de graisse de canard vous pouvez utiliser de l’huile d’olive).
Cook the haricot beans in boiling water for a few minutes. / Faire cuire les haricots verts à l’eau bouillante pour quelques minutes.
Cut the pelardons in two and put each piece on a slice of bread under the grill until melted and lightly browned. / Couper les pelardons en deux. Mettre chaque morceaux sur une tranche de pain et griller jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient fondus et dorés.
Arrange all the ingredients on the lettuce and drizzle with olive oil. / Disposer tous les ingrédients sur la salade et ajouter un fil de l’huile d’olive.
Serve with a glass of red wine. / Servir accompagné d’un verre de vin rouge.
k.Oh yum!!! Duck fat is one of my favorite things for potatoes!! There is a restaurant we go to in Portland Maine called Duckfat, and they fry their fries in nothing but duck fat!!!
This looks nice. I'll try it as we love goats cheese.
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