250 gm cookd haricot beans and borlotti beans (or broad beans) / haricots verts et borlottis (ou fèves) cuits
1 sweet onion, thinly sliced / oignon doux, coupés en tranches
1 tablespoonful sesame seeds / cuillerée graines de sesame
10 cherry tomatoes, cut in half / tomates cerises, coupées en deux
juice of half a lemon / jus de 1/2 citron
sel, poivre, huile d’olive
Mix the beans with the tomatoes and sweet onion. / Mélanger les haricots, les tomates et l’oignon.
Add lemon juice and olive oil. / Ajouter le jus de citron et l’huile d’olive.
Toast the sesame seeds in a frying pan until lightly browned. Add the sesame seeds to the beans. / Faire dorer les graines de sesame. Ajouter les graines de sesame.
Serve with toasted bread spread with hummus. / Servir accompagnée de croutons tartinés de hummus.
Argh! the colours of summer, is there any recipe you write that doesn't appeal. Hungry!
Wish you were nearer, I have all these early plums to find a home for. It's plum wine again I'm afraid, now don't you feel sorry for us;-)
Woodland Fay: Glad you like the recipes - I'm always afraid they are a bit vague as I'm a bit of a 'handful of this and a handful of that' cook. Would love to help you out with the plums!!
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