Tuesday 30 June 2009

Peach granita / Granita de pèche



1 kilo peaches / pèches

1 lemon / citron

200 gm sugar / sucre

250 ml water / eau

Cut the peaches and put the pieces in a food processor.  Liquidise and add the juice and zest of a lemon and syrup made with the water and sugar (which has been allowed to cool).  Freeze.  Remove from the freezer 15 minutes before serving and mix with a fork.  Put into bowls and garnish with mint or basil leaves.

Couper les pèches et mélanger les morceaux dans un mixeur.  Ajouter le jus et le zeste du citron et le sirop fait avec l’eau et le sucre qui a refroidi.  Mettre au congelateur.  Sortir du congelateur 15 minutes avant de servir et mélanger avec une fourchette.  Servir garnie des feuilles de menthe ou de basilique.



Woodland Fay said...

Wow, so simple, so delicious! Have been making sorbets and ices this week, see blog. It was time to use my industrial sized ice cream churner and the classic egg and cream based ices are too rich for my taste. Beautifully presented with garden flowers as well. Must get back to blipping as soon as veg garden allows, regards F

HappyMouffetard said...

Oh, that looks so nice. Even nicer if you've picked the peaches (warmed by the mediterranean sun)yourself, I should imagine.